Bottle 32 – Blue/Gold

Being at peace with yourself.


Key Notes

Being at peace with yourself.
Clear mental focus, free from fears and worry.  
Living from your inner truth.
The ability to achieve success.
Following your sense of duty and taking responsibility.
The ability to teach and support others.
Mediating intelligence.

Colour Meanings

Blue Colour for the throat. Self expression and communication. Brings peace and serenity. For depression. When feeling isolated, lonely. Helps bring sleep. Brings trust and faith.
Gold Inner link with the Divine Masculine. Awareness of Divine in self /all. Links to dynamic forces of nature. Ability to achieve life purpose. To move out of lethargic states. Feeling safe. Connected to Spiritual Power.

Chakra Consciousness

Throat Chakra 5 – Blue: Throat Chakra Consciousness
Aligning our will to our specific purpose and Divine plan.
Honesty and integrity. Ridding ourselves of all distortions.  
Communication in all its forms.  Expression and creativity.      
Being understanding with others, able to share experiences.
Being able to express all emotions.

Cosmic Gateway Chakra 11 – Gold: Cosmic Gateway Consciousness
Integration of the limited and unlimited, spiritual and physical, consciousness and experience, immortality and self.
Experiencing total acceptance, allowing, enjoyment, complete gratitude.
Innermost masculine/ active/Yang principles link with the Creator.

Suggested Application : 2x daily

Unicorn Essences are massaged on to the body, working on cellular memory. Apply to hairline, neck, chest in chosen area – follow your intuition.

Shake the bottle vigorously until an emulsion is formed. Apply to the body in the chakra location as instructed by your Therapist or where you intuitively feel your body can most benefit. Or sprinkle a few drops in the bath and soak for 20 minutes.
N. B. During your use of the bottle, the colour or clarity of the oils often changes. This can indicate detoxification. As you improve in health, the oils will clear again.