Colleen Ryan

Colleen Ryan

Colleen Ryan

Colleen keeps up to date in the field of natural and energy medicine, thereby able to offer her clients a 21st century approach to wellness.

Colleen believes to be well is not merely the absence of symptoms or abnormalities, but rather a quality of life that embraces harmony and healing. Rather than reacting to symptoms Colleen encourages people to take a proactive and integrative approach to their health and life. It makes sense to take advantage of the great technology we have available today in the field of natural healing and validation. The rewards for operating at our fullest bring much peace, wisdom and harmony for a more balanced and happy individual, community country and world.

Are You Getting the Results you Want? If Not – then it would be an honour for me to work together to bring better outcomes for you to enjoy an improved quality of life.

Colleen believes that excellent health and vitality depend on how well you support the physical, mental and emotional needs of your body. Colleen is a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, Kinesiolgy and TMJ Tutor, Soul Power Colour Consultant, Flower and Shell Essence Therapist and Public Speaker.

Come and enjoy an insightful, relaxing and deeply empowering body balance with Colleen and discover more about your gifts and talents and create the future you’re here for.

Certified Kineisology Practitioner
Certified BodyTalk Practitioner
Touch For Health Kinesiology Instructor
Soul Power Instructor
Colour for Life Instructor
Aura Light Colour Therapist
TMJ Reset Instructor
BodyTalk Access Technician
Member of KANZ (Kinesiology Association of NZ)
President Touch for Health Association of NZ
Member of NZBA (NZ BodyTalk Association)
National Director Mannatech – World Leader in Glyconutrient Technology
Spironics Muscle Release Practitioner
Reiki Dip Hom (GER)
Cert Natural Therapies Waikato

Room 6, Union Parish Centre
43 Queen Street
Cambridge 3434

Mobile  021 160 3725



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