Following is an outline of the recommended requirements for case studies submitted to the TFH K Association or Academy of Healing Arts.
Marking fee $60
The marking will be done by a TFH K or Soul Power Assessor. On completion of your first case history send it to the Assessor to check that you are fulfilling the requirements.
Ten case studies are required – a total of approximately 30 balances.
A case study will follow a client through a series of balances, usually a minimum of three, though some may require fewer and some more.
Record notes during and/or immediately following each session.
Record initial history.
Note changes made by the client during the balances.
Use initials only to identify clients, not names. Obtain client’s permission to use details of their balances anonymously.
Case Studies suggestions:
- Background information relating to the request for a balance.
Record goals /desired outcomes. Evaluate goals using pre-tests. Client’s awareness of change . Their learning/ insights from the sessions. If in doubt, ask. Self observations about the client. Patterns emerging through the sessions. Self learning as a consultant from the sessions. Other relevant observations. Maintenance recommended – how does it relate to the goal?- Time between sessions.
How long changes made by the client lasted.