by Catherine | Feb 22, 2017 | Colour for Life
Unicorn 2000 Bottle 16. Awakening to ones true self and service. A time to examine your life and attitudes. Change from a physical focus on life to more spiritual values. Violet amethyst energy within the Unicorn Bottle 16. Calming spiritual energy. For peace and energy. Helps creative inspiration. Spiritual awareness and healing. For grief, bereavement....
by Catherine | Mar 11, 2015 | Articles
Taken from Soul Power and Colour for Life teachings Chakras can be seen as bands of colour completely surrounding the body or as whirling vortexes, with counterparts in the front and back of the body. In Eastern esoteric literature, each of the chakras is seen as having a certain number of petals. These petals appear to be small rotating vortices spinning at a very high rate. The chakras are energy centers allowing energy to flow into and out of the aura. Through them we metabolise energy from the universal field and the consciousness associated with that vibrational field. The colour observed in each chakra is related to the frequency of energy being metabolised at its particular rate. Red is a remedy colour for the Base Chakra and helps bring balance for: • Increased energy • earthing • passion in life • initiating projects • increased awareness • stimulation • survival issues • reproductive organs • circulation • easier release of past...
by Catherine | Mar 11, 2015 | Articles
The significance of Orange in the Chakras Chakras can be seen as bands of colour completely surrounding the body or as whirling vortexes, with counterparts in the front and back of the body. The chakras are energy centres allowing energy to flow into and out of the body. The colour observed in each chakra is related to the frequency of energy being metabolised at its particular rate. Orange is a remedy colour for the Sacral Chakra and helps bring balance for: aspiration insight enthusiasm ambition flamboyance self assurance awareness Improved relationships greater initiative creativity emotional...
by Catherine | Apr 8, 2014 | Articles
After a dramatic diving accident, Charles Krebs was left unable to walk, talk or move, from Type 2 bends and was diagnosed a quadriplegic. He fought determinedly to regain his physical and mental abilities, using all of his immense will power, creative visualization, his knowledge of Ch’i, and meditation. The big “breakthrough” came through a friend making an appointment for him with Dr Bruce Dewe. This was his introduction to Kinesiology. By the fifth month of rehabilitation he had progressed to two arm crutches, and was getting better at balancing himself. By the sixth month he was on two walking canes, and able to walk out of the hospital. Charles studied kinesiology further with Dr Bruce Dewe, and did intensive study with Richard Utt in Tuscon Arizona. During his study with Richard he came to realize that ‘nerve damage’ could well be described as nerves having activated a ‘circuit breaker’, and that such circuit breakers are not so much in the physical body, rather, they are located in the energetic body. Reactivation of the energetic body can thus explain many miraculous cases where people have recovered from serious neurological injuries, including brain damage to regain full function. You can read more of Charles’ story in his book “A Revolutionary Way of Thinking” by Dr Charles Krebs and Jenny Brown. “Charles Krebs shows that whatever the obstacles, it is possible to repair the essentially intelligent design of the human body and mind to regain an equal place in life.” Dr John F Thie, founder of Touch for Health. For wellness, Touch for Health Kinesiology, the basic kinesiology training, and Soul...
by Catherine | Mar 1, 2014 | Articles
Deep within we each know ourselves far better than any health professional. Colour helps us access this deep inner knowing which is beyond the conscious mind. In choosing our colours we access this deep level and raise our self- awareness. In applying our remedy colour we energise and bring harmony to our being for wellness on all levels. Blue and Deep Magenta colour combination acts as a pain killer: An 80 year old fell down the stairs while exiting the plane on her overseas trip to the UK. She applied this remedy oil to all parts of her body that were affected. As a result, she had no bruising, or aches and was able to continue her planned activities pain free. A 3 year old child on falling and badly damaging his shin. On applying this colour combination essence, his screams immediately stopped, and by morning there was no bruising, and the swelling had gone. A small child woke crying with earache and his mother put a few drops of this oil into his ear. He immediately stopped crying, went to sleep and his ear ache did not return when he awoke. Blue Colour: Deep Magenta Colour: Calms the mind Harmonises all the energy centres (Chakras) Helps depression, discontent, emptiness Helps align the Physical with the Spiritual Helps self expression Natures painkiller Eases headaches For overactive conditions Helps bring sleep Has colours from both ends of the spectrum Brings peace...
by Catherine | Oct 22, 2013 | Articles
by Louise Stevens – Touch for Health Instructor and Certified Energy Kinesiologist. Note: When using Kinesiology it is possible to carry out a “surrogate balance” where the kinesiologist can muscle test a substitute person or surrogate in place of the client. This is useful if, for any reason, the client cannot be muscle tested. Although the kinesiology tests are carried out using a surrogate, the correction techniques are carried out on the client themselves. Male Client in thirties.Brain injured in an accident at age 13. Bad headaches – off the scale, almost daily. Smokes heavily. Addictive drinker of strong black coffee. Sleeps badly and needs to get up frequently during the night. Motor skills- Has poor balance and constant full body tremor. He rocks as he walks and is very clumsy, knocking, spilling, dropping things he comes in contact with. Behaviour- Is in need of 24 hour care of employed Caregivers. Prone to angry outbursts very, very short attention span. Talks nonstop. Posture – More than 35 degree lean to the right from waist, with head sitting on right shoulder. Legs were extremely wide apart. Arms and hands clasped tightly in front of body. Deep frown lines on forehead and eyes tightly squeezed. Touch for Health Kinesiology Balance I used the caregiver as a surrogate for the muscle testing process. The client was wearing a very large heavy watch. We started by testing the watch which tested as negatively affecting the client. I also tested the cell phone that hung by a chord around his neck and a heavy metal chain he was wearing with similar results. We...
by Catherine | Sep 7, 2013 | Articles, Catherine North
Personal Attunement for Energy Healing Taken from Soul Power Kinesiology teachings When working on another person with energy healing, you are the channel for the healing energy. You are not the healer. You may not feel anything happening but know without a doubt what is needed is being received. All healing is self healing. The outcome of the Healing session is between that person and their God. Let go of the desire to “make it better”. We cannot know the greater plan for that individual. Trust the process. Most dis-ease originates in the Emotional/Astral Body as a result of negative thoughts and attitudes. You are working to help ease any pain and suffering caused by these attitudes, by communicating with the person’s innate wisdom they may release some – or all – of these limitations thereby allowing the Life force to flow freely through their body to heal and energise. Align with Divine Intelligence, relax and let the Healing Rays flow through you.Before you start you will want to look after yourself by working with the Light to Protect, Clear and Focus your own energies. In your mind picture your whole body immersed in a glowing bubble of radiant White Light – feel it wash all through and around you and your client.The effect of this exercise is to set up the initial connection with your subconscious intelligence. White Light is the purest thought that any person may hold and it has a most soothing effect on disturbed emotions. You can use any affirmation you are comfortable with. The Lord Prayer is very powerful. Affirmation (Catherine Ponder): I clothe myself...
by Catherine | Mar 8, 2013 | Articles, Catherine North
Chakras can be seen as bands of colour in the aura, completely surrounding the body or as whirling vortexes, with counterparts in the front and back of the body.The chakras are energy centres allowing energy to flow into and out of the aura and body. Through them we metabolise energy from the universal field and the consciousness associated with that vibrational field. Chakra Lights are designed to help awaken your chakras so that they are functioning well. Overall mental and emotional health is strongly influenced by chakra activity and alignment. When a chakra is fully awakened, your consciousness attunes to and integrates the spiritual aspects associated with that chakra on all levels of your being. The health, vitality and energy of our physical bodies is very dependent on our emotional balance, mental attitudes and spiritual consciousness. Colour vitalises all of these aspects of our Being. (Read more on chakra colours and their...
by Catherine | Mar 4, 2013 | Articles, Catherine North
The health, vitality and energy of our physical bodies is very dependent on our emotional balance, mental attitudes and spiritual consciousness. Colour vitalises all of these aspects of our Being. The Academy of Healing Arts holds courses on the interpretation of colours and their meaning in your life. MEANINGS OF COLOUR ORANGE: Greater initiative Awareness Creativity in relationships. Helps with long term memory. Humour, enjoyment, Creativity, fluidity Relationships, sociability Interaction with others Dependency, co-dependency Reproductive organs Shock, trauma ORANGE CHAKRA LIGHT ESSENCES Improved relationships with self and others. Works on mental and emotional levels. For mental stability and emotional harmony. ORANGE RAY OF LIGHT ESSENCES Stimulates second (Sacral) chakra. Having self awareness and expressing inner self. Helps with new experiences and interaction with others. Creativity. Creating emotional harmony in interpersonal...
by Catherine | Mar 5, 2012 | Articles, Catherine North
In understanding the meanings of colour, and applying the correct remedy colour, we can access our innate healing energy response beyond the conscious mind. Yellow brings sunlight into a situation, or the individual’s energy field, mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually. As we let go, fear is dispersed, trust evolves and in letting go, we connect to the wisdom of all time, the wisdom of the universe. Yellow is knowledge, joy, intellectual fulfilment. Clarity of mind, mental aspiration, and intellectual clarity. Awareness and insights, personal power and self confidence. Colour Yellow The lesson meanings of colour yellow is anxiety, fear, nervousness, mental distress, nervous tension, mental confusion, nervous depression. Physically yellow assists nerve conditions, digestive organs – stomach, gall bladder, liver, kidneys, pancreas,- lymphatic system, skin problems, hormonal balancing. Did you know Academy of Healing Arts teaches colour healing over 6 days, in 2 day modules called “Colour for Life”? Check the training calendar for...
by Catherine | Mar 4, 2012 | Articles
Does your personality resonate with red? These people are often extroverts, impulsive and passionate both in work and in relationships. They can be spontaneous and practical. Other meanings of colour red are: Red is a stimulator, an energiser, connecting one to their passion and ambition, grounding one to become more practical. It helps one to get into action. The colour red on the Physical level assists the circulatory system, the lower extremities, pelvic area, reproductive system, physical energy, and any under-active condition. Did you know Academy of Healing Arts holding “Colour for Life” classes in Colour Therapy as a natural healing tool for energy balance. Check the training calendar for dates. Meanings of colour RED Chakra Essence improving self-survival instincts, greater grounding, better circulation, making it easier to release past issues. Meanings of colour RED Ray of Light activating and stabilising energy in general, strengthening adrenal energy and bringing energy to the reproductive organs. Red stimulates the Base chakra. The Ray of Light number 1 is Pale Red This stimulates the Base chakra. It activates and stabilises energy in general, strengthens adrenal energy and brings energy to the reproductive...
by Catherine | Mar 4, 2012 | Articles
Blue is a cool colour – it has a fine fast vibration which causes a drawing in of healing light. It is gentle and soothing, and can calm inner disturbances, providing peace and protection,calming emotional stress. It is the Chakra colour for the Throat, providing healing energy and calmness for throat energies. It relates in the physical to the thyroid and the thymus endocrine glands. Colour blue connects to past memories, and is a peace bringer. Blue is a heavenly place – connecting us with soul longings, and helps to find expression of the soul. It connects us to the larger picture – a connectedness, and connection with all other things. Blue is intense peace – peace of mind, and allowing communication.By becoming more peaceful we can hear others more easily and can express our own truth more easily. The Academy of Healing Arts holds courses in Colour Therapy “Colour for Life” as a natural healing tool for energy balance. Check the training calendar for dates. Another meaning of the colour blue is the nurturing aspect of the mother. The female aspect of divinity. Also the male aspect. The blueness of the beginning. To come to peace within ourselves. As each person takes responsibility of their own individualisation or self realisation, then the peace factor will grow in the world and the collective consciousness will move. Colour blue is a protection for the channel, and assists in our connection to spirit, for communication and for healing. It enhances our psychic and higher mind functions. The meaning of colour blue in the physical assists in throat conditions, the respiratory system...
by Catherine | Feb 13, 2012 | Short Courses
Discover/practice Patterns of behaviour Non-verbal behaviour checklist Non-verbal communication Making direct statements Interpersonal rights Levels of conversation and their appropriateness Setting boundaries Negative self talk Making/refusing requests Handling criticism This course is designed to assist in the following areas: Learning Outcomes To be able to identify patterns of behaviour that enhances communication, both for self and others. To stimulate awareness of non-verbal behaviours that influence first impressions. To discover how others are affected by our behaviour. To become aware of one’s own positive non-verbal style, and to consider non-verbal behaviour one may wish to change. To learn the skills of giving and receiving constructive feedback to assist self and others in considering behaviour changes. To encourage the use of direct statements, for clear, honest communication. To create awareness of ‘I’ statements in personal communication. To consolidate awareness of personal rights accorded to each person, and to apply these to all communication situations. To become aware of levels of communication and their appropriate use in everyday situations To learn the skills of giving free information and appropriate self-disclosure in communication with others. To put into practise the art of giving and receiving complements. To learn skills to identify and set boundaries that are appropriate for self in any given situation. To learn skills and the principles involved in making and refusing requests. To know when to compromise. To identify constructive and destructive criticisms. To learn skills to handle both constructive and destructive criticisms. Did you know Academy of Healing Arts teaches colour healing? Check the training calendar for dates. Email Catherine if you are interested in this...
by Catherine | Oct 13, 2011 | Articles, Short Courses
Course content Discover many simple techniques for: • Improving energy • Dealing with stress • Staying calm and relaxed, physically and emotionally • Improve balance for walking • Improve energy to eyes/ears for vision and hearing Did you know Academy of Healing Arts teacheteaching academy? Check the training calendar for dates. Email Catherine if you are interested in this...
by Catherine | Oct 13, 2011 | Articles, Short Courses
The RESET Workshop teaches the technique of directing healing energy into the muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves of the TMJ system(Jaw), enabling relaxation and toxin clearing, allowing the jaw to reset into its correct position. Workshop Content: • Teaching of the specified RESET Correction Positions. • Information on each Position and the TMJ System. • Each participant will – – learn to balance themselves – learn to balance others – receive the complete RESET balance on them self. Did you know Academy of Healing Arts teaches colour healing? Check the training calendar for dates. Email Catherine if you are interested in this...
by Catherine | Oct 13, 2011 | Articles, Short Courses
Workshop content Using kinesiology to: • Enhance and maintain vision • Exercises to assist clarity of vision • Identify and clear stressful attitudes or emotions affecting vision Did you know Academy of Healing Arts teaches colour healing? Check the training calendar for dates. Email Catherine if you are interested in this...
by Catherine | Oct 13, 2011 | Articles, Catherine North, Short Courses
Training content: Two day Colour & Crystal healing hands on workshop Rays of Light and Chakra Light colour essences with Crystals Incorporating aroma therapy and phonics. Creating a grid for healing with crystals. Starting at Amethyst entry level Moving on up to many higher levels Self healing and working with others using various crystals with essences. Creating the opportunity for healing on our many levels of consciousness through the use of crystals, colour and phonics. Did you know Academy of Healing Arts teaches colour healing? Check the training calendar for dates. Email Catherine if you are interested in this crystal healing...
by Catherine | Oct 13, 2011 | Short Courses
A powerful technique, taken from ancient Tibetan healing techniques which balances the whole body system, assisting with pain, injury and other imbalances. Workshop content: An introduction to using Kinesiology How to balance the Figure 8 energy flows around the body. Identifying and clearing emotions behind the energy imbalances. Did you know Academy of Healing Arts teaches colour healing? Check the training calendar for dates. Email Catherine if you are interested in this...
by Catherine | Oct 13, 2011 | Articles, Short Courses
An introduction to Aura Light and Soul Power. This is open to all. Workshop content: Making personal colour remedy selections Aura Light essences of essential oils, herbal extracts, aromas, geometric foms. Raising personal consciousness Understanding how this remedy will assist you, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. Methods of anointing the colour remedy Regenerating and revitalising the aura Transformation on many levels through the vibration of colour Did you know Academy of Healing Arts teaches colour healing? Check the training calendar for dates. Email Catherine if you are interested in this...