Attunement for Energy Healing

Personal Attunement for Energy Healing     Taken from Soul Power Kinesiology teachings When working on another person with energy healing, you are the channel for the healing energy. You are not the healer. You may not feel anything happening but know without a doubt what is needed is being received. All healing is self healing. The outcome of the Healing session is between that person and their God.  Let go of the desire to “make it better”.  We cannot know the greater plan for that individual. Trust the process. Most dis-ease originates in the Emotional/Astral Body as a result of negative thoughts and attitudes.  You are working to help ease any pain and suffering caused by these attitudes, by communicating with the person’s innate wisdom they may release some – or all – of these limitations thereby allowing the Life force to flow freely through their body to heal and energise. Align with Divine Intelligence, relax and let the Healing Rays flow through you.Before you start you will want to look after yourself by working with the Light to Protect, Clear and Focus your own energies. In your mind picture your whole body immersed in a glowing bubble of radiant White Light – feel it wash all through and around you and your client.The effect of this exercise is to set up the initial connection with your subconscious intelligence. White Light is the purest thought that any person may hold and it has a most soothing effect on disturbed emotions. You can use any affirmation you are comfortable with.  The Lord Prayer is  very powerful. Affirmation    (Catherine Ponder):   I clothe myself...

Colour will awaken and vitalise your chakras.

Chakras can be seen as bands of colour in the aura, completely surrounding the body or as whirling vortexes, with counterparts in the front and back of the body.The chakras are energy centres allowing energy to flow into and out of the aura and body. Through them we metabolise energy from the universal field and the consciousness associated with that vibrational field. Chakra Lights are designed to help awaken your chakras so that they are functioning well. Overall mental and emotional health is strongly influenced by chakra activity and alignment. When a chakra is fully awakened, your consciousness attunes to and integrates the spiritual aspects associated with that chakra on all levels of your being. The health, vitality and energy of our physical bodies is very dependent on our emotional balance, mental attitudes and spiritual consciousness. Colour vitalises all of these aspects of our Being. (Read more on chakra colours and their...

Colour Orange and Health

The health, vitality and energy of our physical bodies is very dependent on our emotional balance, mental attitudes and spiritual consciousness. Colour vitalises all of these aspects of our Being.  The Academy of Healing Arts holds courses on the interpretation of colours and their meaning in your life. MEANINGS OF  COLOUR ORANGE: Greater initiative Awareness Creativity in relationships. Helps with long term memory. Humour, enjoyment, Creativity, fluidity Relationships, sociability Interaction with others Dependency, co-dependency Reproductive organs Shock, trauma ORANGE CHAKRA LIGHT ESSENCES  Improved relationships with self and others. Works on mental and emotional levels. For mental stability and emotional harmony. ORANGE RAY OF LIGHT ESSENCES Stimulates second (Sacral) chakra.   Having self awareness and expressing inner self. Helps with new experiences and interaction with others. Creativity. Creating emotional harmony in interpersonal...
Meanings of colour yellow

Meanings of colour yellow

In understanding the meanings of colour, and applying the correct remedy colour, we can access our innate healing energy response beyond the conscious mind. Yellow brings sunlight into a situation, or the individual’s energy field, mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually. As we let go, fear is dispersed, trust evolves and in letting go, we connect to the wisdom of all time, the wisdom of the universe. Yellow is knowledge, joy, intellectual fulfilment. Clarity of mind, mental aspiration, and intellectual clarity. Awareness and insights, personal power and self confidence. Colour Yellow The lesson meanings of colour yellow is anxiety, fear, nervousness, mental distress, nervous tension, mental confusion, nervous depression. Physically yellow assists nerve conditions, digestive organs – stomach, gall bladder, liver, kidneys, pancreas,- lymphatic system, skin problems, hormonal balancing. Did you know Academy of Healing Arts teaches colour healing over 6 days,  in 2 day modules called “Colour for Life”? Check the training calendar for...

Crystal healing

Training content: Two day Colour & Crystal healing hands on workshop Rays of Light  and Chakra Light colour essences with Crystals Incorporating aroma therapy and phonics. Creating a grid for healing with crystals. Starting at Amethyst entry level Moving on up to many higher levels Self healing and working with others using various crystals with essences. Creating the opportunity for healing on our many levels of consciousness through the use of crystals, colour and phonics. Did you know Academy of Healing Arts teaches colour healing? Check the training calendar for dates. Email Catherine if you are interested in this crystal healing...